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Kelly loves all animals and is studying various courses aimed at caring for and helping animals and their humans. She started her career by working at the Dog's Whiskers in Fishhoek (2012) and then with Jeni's Pet Parlour in Newlands, before going solo. By setting up Bubble and Squeak she created a platform with which she can help you care for your dog, cat, bunny or guinea pig. 

Here are the courses that Kelly has completed so far:

- Practice and Theory for Animal Beauty - Professional Course (with credit) from the South African College of Dog Grooming (3 April 2012);

- Companion Animal First Aid Course (certificate of attendance) by Dr. Kenneth Joubert BVSc(UP) MMedVet (Anaes) (August 2012);

- CO1: Dogwise - Stage 1, An advanced award in canine behaviour and training (with credit) from the Centre of Applied Pet Ethology (ThinkingPets COAPE SA) (23 April 2013);

- CO2: Dogwise - Stage 2, Psychological and Physiological Processes (with credit) from the Centre of Applied Pet Ethology (ThinkingPets COAPE SA) (4 April 2014);

- Evolution Course from the Ethology Institute Cambridge (April 2016)

- Dogs And Children Course from the Ethology Institute Cambridge (April 2016)

- An introductory workshop in Animal Communication from the School of Intuition and Healing, ZeroPointHealing (5 June 2016)

- Veterinary Assistant Course from JD Campus, London (31 December 2016)

Kelly is currently busy studying the following course:

- T Touch for Companion Animals from Tellington T Touch Training  (Completed 1/2 of 4 points so far - Started June 2016)

- Advanced Diploma – Canine Behaviour Management (Level 5) with Pet Sense 

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