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Price list

 Price list

Our prices are subject to an assessment of your dog / cat / bunny / other furry. Serious matting or skin problems could affect the price. The list below is a pretty reliable guide though and we will discuss any changes with you before the grooming starts.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for specials!


Please remember to add travel costs to the service that you choose!

The terms and conditions for our services are at the bottom of this page.


Brush and/or Bath only (including face, feet and bottom- hygiene clip)

Full grooming (Brush, bath, hygiene clip, full shave)

Small Breeds

Short hair:                       R100    (+- 0h45)

Medium length hair:     R120     (+- 1h00)

Long hair:                        R150   (+- 1h15)

Medium Breeds

Short hair:                       R120   (+- 1h00)

Medium length hair:     R150 (+- 1h15)

Long hair:                        R200 (+- 1h30)

Large Breeds

Short hair:                      R200  (+- 1h00)

Medium length hair:    R220 (+- 1h30)

Long hair:                       R250 (+- 1h45)

Giant Breeds

Short hair:                       R200   (+- 1h30)

Medium length hair:     R250 (+- 1h45)

Long hair:                        R280 (+- 2h00)

Prices are subject to breed specifics. Some breed specific cuts require more time and precision.

Please contact me for a quote


Small breeds                   R180 (+- 2h00)

Medium breeds               R235 (+- 2h30)

Large breeds                   R290 (+- 3h00) 

Giant breeds                   R350 (+-3h30)

Bunny (brush / shave)     R350 - R400                                                (+- 3h00)

Other furries (please email me for a quote)

Hand stripping (specific breeds only - wirehair / rough coat)

Please contact me for a quote 

Eau de Squeak

Available in Lavender and Vanilla Mint


(organic hand crafted doggy perfume - ideal for after walking in the swampy parts of the park):


100ml               =              R15

250ml               =              R35

500ml               =              R65


Bubble Bite doggy toothpaste

Available in Beefy flavour


50g                   =             R20


Dog Treats (Biscuits):


100g                  =             R20       





R110 per walk in the closest nature area to your house

Up to two medium sized dogs

(Please email me for a quote)



R130 per day

R190 per day to stay overnight

(Please email me for a quote)

R250 for the first consultation

Price per session (approximately R350 per session) and number of sessions to be agreed during the first consultation



R250 per lesson

1lesson per week for 6 weeks (A lesson could be split into two days)

Training cost and period could change based on the unique circumstances of the dog.

(Please email me for a quote)

I charge travel costs at current AA rates (R2.44 per km) per visit, calculated on average per area, and including my travel time.


If your suburb is not on the list, please contact me for a quote)


Southern suburbs and Hout Bay  - R100

City centre (Cape Town)              - R100

Muizenberg to Fishhoek             - R100

Simons Town                              - R150

Somerset West                            - R150

Camps Bay area                          - R 110

Goodwood                                  - R80

Bellville                                       - R100

Durbanville                                 - R100

Things you need to know when using our services

- Payment for service is due on the same day, unless you make an arrangement with us before we start the service.

- if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please give us more than 24 hours notice, otherwise we may have to charge you. 

Other stuff you need to know:

- You must inform us of any communicable disease that your pet may have or had in the past 60 days (e.g. ringworm). We may refuse to groom your animal until cleared by a vet. This is because our equipment may spread that disease to our other clients and we cannot accept that risk. We may hold you liable for any damages claimed from us should this happen and you knew of, but failed to inform us of the communicable disease.

- We reserve the right to take photographs or video of sessions to allow us to make evaluations after the fact, for record purposes or for purposes of marketing. You may request a copy of any photos or video taken.

- We may require you to sign a contract for house-sitting / training / behaviour assistance.

We always put your and your pet's safety first. However, to prevent an accident, or should an accident happen - here is what you need to know:

- Even though most of them are furry balls of love, they all have teeth and nails that can cause injuries, and wriggly bodies that can cause breakages. We reserve the right to muzzle or restrain your pet in a humane manner, if absolutely necessary, to ensure our own safety and that of your pet. Should you, or any other person be present while we work with your pet, we do not accept liability for any injuries that you or such other person may suffer. We also do not accept liability for any damage to property caused while we are working with your pet.

- We do not knowingly work with animals that could transmit a virus or other communicable disease to our other clients. However, we do not accept liability for any illness that your pet may contract during grooming / training / behavioral exercises. 

- Our groomer is professionally qualified and will take very good care of your pet. We have an excellent track record  and can provide you with references. However, should an accident happen, we do not accept liability for any injuries that your pet may suffer.

- Because we work with your pet in "abnormal" circumstances (come on, you know most of them hate a bath!) we need you to follow any directions that the groomer / trainer / behaviourist may give you. Should we suffer an injury because you failed to follow directions, we may hold you liable.

- Should a service be given at a location where there may be unknown danger (such as cars driving by, people or animals walking past) you are fully responsible for yourself, your pet and any person who accompanied you, in respect of those dangers. You are also fully liable for any damage caused by your pet.

- A large number of our clients are old or frail animals. We may refuse to work with your pet if we feel concerned for his or her health. However, should your pet suffer an incident because of age or a pre-existing condition, we do not accept liability for any cost or trauma associated with that incident.

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