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Pooch Manicures


"As a rule of thumb, a dog’s nails should be trimmed when they touch the ground. For leisurely living dogs, that might mean weekly pedicures, while urban pooches who stalk rough city sidewalks might never need their nails cut at all (except their dewclaws, if they’ve got ‘em)."

"I hear you!" - Ear care for pooches


"Although a dog's ears need to be regularly monitored for his entire life, a little basic maintenance is generally all that's required to keep them clean and healthy."

Shaving your dog’s coat...


...Even with only a single coat you want to be careful on when you shave them, especially if you shave them right down, as this, although may appear to feel cooler, leaves the dog exposed to the possibility of sunburn.

Cleaning your 4 legged best friends ears


Most dogs should have their ears cleaned every few weeks. This is especially important for breeds with hairy or hanging ears, such as spaniels and retrievers, because their ears block airflow..."

A Twinkle in the Eye - Eye Care


"Giving regular home eye exams will help keep you alert to any tearing, cloudiness or inflammation that may indicate a health problem."

Natural Solutions


"Try Mullein Mix to treat mild ear infections. You can also use this remedy once a month or so throughout your pet’s lifetime to prevent infections."

Keeping those pearlies white - Dental care


“Ten steps to healthy teeth

Did you know that regularly brushing your dog's teeth and providing her with a healthy diet and plenty of chew toys can go a long way toward keeping her mouth healthy?"

Medical / Health

How to know when to take your Cat to the Vet


"Illness in a cat is not always easy to spot because cats often try to act as if they are not ill....Use this handy checklist as a guide."

Do You Know a Fat Dog When You See One?


"Canine obesity is not a joking matter, and it is often considered both a welfare and a quality-of-life issue."


How to Treat Heat Stroke in Dogs


"Dogs are not as efficient at releasing heat as we are.... As such, we may not twig to the fact that a dog has become overheated until symptoms suddenly develop."

How To Perform The Heimlich Maneuver On Dogs


"Knowing a few emergency procedures, such as CPR and the Heimlich maneuver for dogs, is critical to saving lives because you may not have time to get to a vet and your dog could suffocate."


Preventing Canine Behavior Problems


"Barking; Biting; Exercise and Environmental Enrichment;

Neutering and Spaying;

Outdoor Confinement;

Social Behavior; Stealing;

Training; Crate Training;

House Training;

Weight Management in Dogs."

Stress in Cats


"Do cats get lonely, or are they naturally loners? The truth is that cats, like all animals, thrive on love and company (albeit when they need it), and a lonely, bored, unhappy cat may start exhibiting signs to vent his frustrations."

Kenneling / Housesitting

Dog care options during holidays


"If, as for many of us, you are going away for a few days and can’t take your dog with you then it’s time to decide which of the various pet care options are most suitable for you."

Finding the best sitter for the pet left behind


"Going on vacation? While relying on a trusted neighbor may work for some, hiring a pro is another great option. All are viable choices, but frame your decision by thinking of the animal's needs first..."

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